Friday, 13 July 2007

Pond Heaters

Last winter we decided to heat one of our outdoor ponds.
We choose the 3kw profi heater

We connected to a 3000 gallon uncovered pond.

We used a waterproof thermometer to measure the temperature.

We started this experiment in september and the results were good but expensive!

We set the temperature to 20 c and it was great in december to see your koi happily swimming around,feeding well.

At night the pond resembled a mangrove swamp with steam rising from it(pound notes up in smoke!!!)

We estimated to keep it heated to 20 c cost about £20.00 a week.

It was a joy to watch our koi swimming around with snow on the ground.

Has anyone else heated over winter and if so what heater did you use and what was the cost??

We heat a small quarantine tank with a 300w Titanium Tank Heater

It does a great job!!

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Koi Food

One of the things that we are trying to do is to test the products we sell so as we can give an honest opinion to you.

Last year we tried the Hikari food for our koi for the first time to monitor the results.

We used Saki Hikari Colour

A Showa I had transformed from probably one of my plainest fish to one of the best fish in my pond.

This food really seemed to do a lot for red.

After i finished using for a couple of months the showa's colour faded.

This year we decided to try yamato nishiki koi food

We were very pleased with the results.

Although no change in the colours of any fish their was very little waste produced,a very good and well priced food in our opinion

We have started using a mix of medicarp koi food and nobori koi food

and and will publish the results at the end of the summer.

Please feel free to comment on food you have use (good or bad).

All About Koi

Hello there

We are an online pond supplies company who with lot of hard work are looking to be able to give you the best service possible so you can enjoy your hobby and learn
All About Koi.

Our website has been running for just over a year and every month has seen an increase in visits and sales.

There have been a few problems along the way but we have dealt with any we have had and pride ourselves on this.